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Fast food workers meet to “End zero hours in 2015!”

13 Feb

This Saturday, February 14, over 100 fast food workers from across New Zealand will be gathering in Auckland to discuss their upcoming battle to end zero hour contracts in the fast food industry. The conference is also open to anyone who wants to actively support the workers campaign.

This issue has emerged as the number one problem for workers in the industry over recent years. Almost no hourly paid staff have guaranteed hours. Attempts through previous collective agreements to regulate the allocation of hours in a fair and transparent manner have been unsuccessful. Unite has collective agreements with McDonald’s, Restaurant Brands (KFC, Car’s Jr, Pizza Hut and Starbucks); Burger King and Wendy’s. Whilst real improvements have been made it has proved difficult to get the companies to abandon their attachment to “flexibility” around rostered hours. The best we have achieved is to have clauses that specify the need to advertise hours to existing staff before new staff are hired but that has proved difficult to enforce.

The companies have a turnover of staff of about 66% a year and we have tried to argue that this could be reduced with regular guaranteed hours but the companies seem unmoved by that argument. They seem to prefer the control that zero hour contracts give over their staff. These type of contracts also exist in the security industry, hotels and many call centres where Unite represents workers as well.

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SkyCity cleaners beat contracting out

5 Dec

By John Crocker, SkyCity SEA-Unite organiser

SEA-Unite has finally claimed victory in our 6 month campaign to oppose the outsourcing of the Cleaning Services department. The decision of the Employment Relations Authority that SkyCity was not compliant with the unions’ Collective Agreement was delivered Friday 14th of November and effectively blocks the outsourcing of the cleaners.

The union’s campaign against the proposed outsourcing began in May with the initial consultation process. Multiple submissions were made, in writing and at meetings, regarding the proposal. SEA-Unite pointed out flaws in the process, breaches of good faith, bad results with outsourcing cleaning in the past as well as the whole proposal being against SkyCity’s core values and its commitments in the Collective Agreement. These consultations did not convince SkyCity but laid the groundwork for the later ERA case.

At the same time SEA-Unite began an industrial campaign to show SkyCity how strongly staff felt in opposition to the proposal. First the union circulated a petition that gathered an amazing 770 signatures to show just how widespread the opposition was. Then the cleaners themselves wrote letters to the CEO. There was a photo campaign as well. Lastly there was a picket, the first since 2011 to show how strongly the opposition was felt.

SkyCity workers with petition

When SkyCity insisted on proceeding, against overwhelming worker opposition and their own stated values, the unions adopted a legal approach, first attending mediation and then filing the case with the Authority. The hearing took place over two days in late October with over half the affected cleaners in attendance and many giving evidence.

The Employment Relations Authority found that SkyCity was in breach of section 2 of the Collective Agreement which deals with SkyCity’s obligations towards employees as well as section 4 of the Employment Relations Act which deals with good faith.

This is a big deal for all workers at SkyCity! This decision stops SkyCity from outsourcing the cleaners and sets the bar high for any future outsourcing of any department. SEA-Unite showed SkyCity how far we will take things when we know they’ve got it wrong. This was possible due to the hundreds of union members at SkyCity, their support and the strength of the unions.

SkyCity boss misleads public over workers lost shifts

24 Oct

SkyCity CEO Nigel Morrison “not telling the truth”.

By Mike Treen (Unite National Director) and John Crocker (Unite SkyCity Organiser)

SkyCity CEO Nigel Morrison has defended the employment practices at his company in an “Opinion” piece entitled “Human Capital key to corporate success” in the NZ Herald on Thursday.

A number of his claims are misleading, contain only partial truths or are exaggerations. In one important respect when discussing a SkyCity worker what he says is simply untrue.

To pride oneself on being a non-minimum wage employer when the start rate for many positions in the employment agreement is only 10 cents above the minimum wage is a partial truth at best. Apprentice chefs are also paid less than the minimum wage so to say “all” SkyCity employees are paid above is not accurate.

To boast about the training staff receive when the company deliberately changed its policy in order to stop paying trainee table game dealers during their training is a bit misleading. Now when SkyCity takes employees from WINZ, the taxpayer is paying a benefit to the worker during unpaid staff training.  They then subsidise their wages for a period if subsequently employed.

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SkyCity workers first to vote in the 2014 election

5 Sep

Workers in Central Auckland march to early vote when the polls open. Unite Union and the SFWU are encouraging our members to vote to change the government.

The current National Government has tried to attack unions and workers entitlements, while most opposition parties have promised to increase the minimum wage by $2 an hour in their first year in government.

Workers met outside Skycity and marched down to Liston House in Hobson Street to be the first workers to vote en masse.

Authorised by Michael Treen,
6a Western Springs Road, Morningside.

We want to bring down the Government!

4 Sep

“We wanna bring down the Government- we wanna bring, bring down the Government!” was the chant on Hobson Street as 60 workers walked off the job from Skycity to go and vote for change.

Union delegates Tina Barnett and Gina Williams were up the front with a massive banner- “National- Not Our Future”. Workers from both Unite and SFWU held placards that demanded a living wage, secure hours, affordable housing, more rights at work including the right to strike and an end to restructuring and subcontracting. Skycity Cleaners directly affected by a new round of artificial subcontracting were first to cast their votes against National.

The experience of voting collectively together as workers was empowering. We were joined by Labour MPs Darien Fenton and Jacinda Adern, and the Mana Movement Tamaki Makaurau’s candidate Kereame Pene. Unite supports a vote for those parties who are commited to changing the government- Labour, the Greens and Internet Mana.

A collective march to the Auckland CBD voting booth has been organised for Saturday September 13th, leaving Aotea Square at 2pm. Join the facebook event page here-

Casino workers fight outsourcing – picket 1-3pm Friday

17 Jul

On Friday the 18th of July, Unite will be picketing SkyCity Casino urging them not to outsource the Cleaning Services department. This proposal will affect almost 100 workers, some with more than 10 years loyal service at the casino.

Unite workers and supporters will be rallying from 1-3pm outside the main casino entrance in opposition to the proposal. Outsourcing leads to reduced job security and uncertainty and the cleaners have strongly expressed their desire to remain directly employed by SkyCity.

SkyCity was given the International Convention Centre approval on the premise that it was a job creator. It has now shown how happy it is to reduce its workforce and we believe most of the 800 supposed jobs will be part time or casual and wonder how many more jobs SkyCity could shred before it is even opened.

Please come and show your support for these vulnerable workers as we ask SkyCity to do the right thing and keep their jobs.

A history of Unite Union (Part 3 of 4)

17 Jun

Unite Union sign on front of 300 Queen Street

(The following history was prepared as part of the contribution by Unite Union to the international fast food workers meeting in New York in early May. Unions officials and workers were fascinated by the story we were able to tell which in many ways was a prequel to the international campaign today.)

All four parts of this series can be downloaded as a single PDF file from here

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Extending Unite’s reach

Unite was always looking to ways to bring our members additional benefits. In late 2006, Unite contracted with Te Wananga o Aotearoa – a Maori-led tertiary institution – to offer computer classes for union members. We set up a Unite school in central Auckland and provided classes days and evenings, seven days a week, so our members could attend. A casino worker on a rotating 24-7 shift could enrol and complete a course. For a few years, one of the main buildings in Queen St was named “Unite House” with red flags flying from the roof – much to the consternation of friend and foe alike. Thousands of workers graduated from these courses.

In July 2006, SkyCity casino workers won pay rises of 5-9% after a campaign of two-hour, all-out strikes several times a week combined with rolling strikes by department. The company was taken by surprise at the determination of the SEA-Unite members.

SEA-Unite members join picket in 2006

In late 2006 and 2007, Unite unionised a factory owned by Independent Liquor at the request of some workers. This was a very anti-union employer. Strikes and pickets were needed to get a collective agreement, the first in the company for 20 years. After a while, however, we realised that we were probably getting beyond core business and agreed to allow the Engineers Union which covered workers in other liquor manufacturing plants to take over representation.

Unite also extended its representation with a hotel campaign involving strikes (and occasional lockouts) at a number of hotels in early 2007. The ADT-Armourguard monitoring centre struck on Christmas Eve – the busiest night of the year to secure an improved offer for a renewed collective agreement.

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A history of Unite Union (Part 1 of 4)

4 Jun

(The following history was prepared as part of the contribution by Unite Union to the international fast food workers meeting in New York in early May. Unions officials and workers were fascinated by the story we were able to tell which in many ways was a prequel to the international campaign today.)

All four parts of this series can be downloaded as a single PDF file from here

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Restaurant Brands delegates join Maritime Union picket, Auckland Wharf


By Mike Treen, Unite National Director

April 29, 2014

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, workers in New Zealand suffered a massive setback in their levels of union and social organisation and their living standards. A neo-liberal, Labour Government elected in 1984 began the assault and it was continued and deepened by a National Party government elected in 1990.

The “free trade”policies adopted by both Labour and the National Party led to massive factory closures. The entire car industry was eliminated and textile industries were closed. Other industries with traditionally strong union organisation such as the meat industry were restructured and thousands lost their jobs. Official unemployment reached 11.2% in the early 1990s. It was higher in real terms. Official unemployment for Maoris (who make up 14% of the population) was 30%, again higher in real terms. Working class communities were devastated.

The National Party government presided over a deep and long recession from 1990-1995 that was in part induced by its savage cuts to welfare spending and benefits. They also introduced a vicious anti-union law. When the Employment Contracts Act was made law on May Day 1990, every single worker covered by a collective agreement was put onto an individual employment agreement identical to the terms of their previous collective. In order for the union to continue to negotiate on your behalf, you had to sign an individual authorisation. It was very difficult for some unions to manage that. Many were eliminated overnight. Voluntary unionism was introduced and closed shops were outlawed. All of the legal wage protections which stipulated breaks, overtime rates, Sunday rates and so on, went. Minimum legal conditions were now very limited – three weeks holiday and five days sick leave was about the lot. Everything else had to be negotiated again. It was a stunning assault on working people. Union bargaining, where it continued, was mostly concessionary bargaining for the next decade.

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VIDEO: People power to save the Problem Gambling Foundation

1 May
Kia Ora,
We’ve seen it happen before. Private interests make their profits from doing things that harm our community, while those in government make excuses and ignore the problems. But then something amazing happens, people like you start coming together to demand change. They organise themselves, run petitions and events, tell their stories, and talk to their neighbours and workmates. Soon the media takes notice, and they get behind the cause. Politicians find it harder and harder to ignore the chorus of voices demanding change, and eventually they give in to people power.

We’ve seen it happen just in the past few months, with the government’s giving into community pressure on ‘legal highs’, where once again our Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne was right in the middle of it.

Problem Gambling destroys lives and families and harms our community, and as punishment for speaking out against regulating pokies the Problem Gambling Foundation got their funding cut. It was a cynical move to try and silence the voices standing up for the most vulnerable. But we’re not giving up, we’re stepping up the pressure in the coming weeks. As our first step we’ve made a short video to tell our story.

Click on the image below to watch the video.

This video is just the beginning. The media has already started asking questions about the conflicts of interest in the panel that decided to cut the Problem Gambling Foundation’s funding. Read the story in the NZ Herald here.

In the coming weeks I plan to host events in the community so we can reach more people like you who you who care about their community and believe in making things better. People who believe that we cannot keep on socialising the costs of doing business while privatising the profits.

Click here to share this video with your friends, family and co-workers on Facebook so that we can reach thousands more and build the foundations for change.

Nga Mihi

John Stansfield

PS: Also on twitter. Click here to share this video and petition on twitter.

Insecure work – a danger to us all – CTU Conference 2013

11 Oct

By Mike Treen

(Reprinted from The Daily Blog)

The CTU conference this week has highlighted the dangers of insecure work to the health and well-being of working people.

A major report released at the conference estimated that at least 30% of jobs in New Zealand fit into the category of “insecure” but the number could be over 50%.

Workers in these jobs suffer from insecure hours, low pay, few benefits, ignorance of legal rights, lack of access to unions, unsafe and unhealthy work, little or no training.

Insecure work affects those most who are already victims of discrimination and marginalisation and reinforces the inequalities that exist.

I want to give a few examples from my own work as a union official for how this plays out in practice. The example I want to use is the SkyCity casino which is the largest private sector employer in Auckland with 3000 staff.

The casino and convention centre is a legalised money-printing operation. Profits are virtually guaranteed. It operates on a 24/7 basis all year round and doesn’t have significant seasonal fluctuation. Management know pretty well how many customers they will have at any particular time of the day or month of the year. They can work out staffing needs accurately as a result.

Despite that reality 2/3 of all staff employed are on part-time contracts that guarantee only 8 hours of work a week.

Even core departments like Gaming Machines have been “restructured” from having a 2/3 full-time workforce to being 2/3 part time. In another core department, Table Games, all new employees are given part-time status and very few have been allowed to go full-time over the last few years.

The excessive use of part time status is nothing about flexibility. They could easily run these departments with mostly full-time staff. What they get is a submissive workforce to scared to answer back. As a “part-time” worker it is very hard to assert your rights when your hours can be rostered down at management’s whim. It is much harder to get part time staff to join a union as well – for the obvious reasons.

Despite the easy money and big profits being made at the casino it is actually a very poor payer to its own staff – even by NZ’s low wage standards. The start rate in most jobs is barely above the minimum wage and even skilled positions like Table Games dealers are way behind their international colleagues. It’s probably the only major casino in the world that makes its staff pay for parking and meals.

I’ll give a couple of examples of just how mean this company has been in its drive for “flexibility” in order to squeeze the last dollar out of its workers.

In the Hotel housekeeping departments nearly all staff are deemed to be part-time. In the past they used to have 8-hour shifts each day. A few years ago the company told all the housekeepers they would be working shifts of anywhere between 4 and 8 hours. There was no discussion. The company just said they only had to guarantee 8 hours a week not 8 hours a day under the contract.

The workers were upset. Most traveled long distances from South and West Auckland. They told me they had been promised 8-hour shifts when they started. I managed to discover that about half of them had appointment letters saying that they would get the 8-hour shifts. We got about $15000 in back pay for that group and a guarantee that the 8-hour shifts would continue for them. There was a veiled threat from their HR that those workers who didn’t accept the reduced shifts would not be rostered as often which we had to push back on as well. I assume that since then all new staff have been given appointment letters with only the 8 hours a week guarantee and they now have the "flexibility" they wanted. Meanwhile these near minimum wage women are being forced to spend an hour of their pay to travel to and from the casino each day which could be 25% of their daily pay.

Table Games dealers used to get a months training full-time on pay before qualifying to go on the floor. The company changed this to five weeks unpaid training plus 150 hours dealing on the floor in a part time role for the minimum wage before they “qualify” as dealers and can get the full rate. But they all remain “part-time”. The government effectively subsides SkyCity as the workers can continue to get the dole while training.

Nearly all staff in the Conventions Centre were deemed to be casual employees with no rights to overtime, annual leave, lieu-days for working public holidays. Workers would be sent home without pay for the tiniest infraction. This was actually all a legal fiction as they were being treated in a way that failed the legal test for being a casual employee. They were being rostered in advance and told they had no right to refuse work on certain days. Many of them had worked continuously for up to four years. When we tried to challenge what the company was doing they simply lied, stalled for time, reneged on deals and hoped the issue would go away. Eventually (after nearly two years of wrangling) we did get a settlement for the workers that cost the company around $150,000 and created a new more secure legal status for these workers.

Unite also represent workers in the fast food industry. Generally there are no guaranteed hours in the employmment agreements. Again workers are often already vulnerable because they are either young, migrant, Maori, Pacifica and female. Many are subject to bullying and harassment from managers abusing their control over the rostered hours of their crew. We have put some controls over rostering in the collective agreements we have negotiated but it is not enough. We need to move from what we have called “secure hours” to our goal of “guaranteed hours”.

What we learn from all this is that companies will do whatever they can to shift all of the risks of their business onto the workers. They want to hire and fire at will. They want to reduce (or increase) your hours at will. They want you willing to do the unpleasant or dangerous work without complaint. But workers want and need security. Their health and wellbeing as well as that of their families depends on that.

Generally companies have been able to get away with imposing insecure work practices because the collective organisation of workers was eliminated for over 90% of private sector workers. Parallel with the decline in private sector unionisation that set in during the 1990s was a decline in collective action by workers to defend their right and living standards.

Solutions to improving the living standards of workers and eliminating the pernicious effects of the growth in insecure work need to be found. The CTU has identified some legal steps that need to be taken. But there also needs to be a radical expansion of union membership and struggle to make those legal rights meaningful through enforceable collective agreements.

(Unite National Director Mike Treen has a blog hosted on the TheDailyBlog website. The site is sponsored by several unions and hosts some of New Zealand’s leading progressive commentators. Mike’s blog will be covering union news and general political comment but the views expressed are his own and not necessarily those of Unite Union.)